
How To Repair St Augustine Grass

During tardily winter and early spring, St. Augustine grass tin can get burned upward with frost and appear dead. A in one case dark-green lawn volition appear to take dead grass that'll take some effort to bring back to life. So, how can you revive St. Augustine grass?

H2o St. Augustine grass with 1-1.5 inches of water every week to revive it speedily. Utilise nitrogen fertilizer and grub control, then mow the backyard loftier at 3 inches to make the grass greenish again. If the grass is dead, install new sod to revive and bring the lawn back to life.

St. Augustine grass can turn brown and die due to drought stress, fertilizer burn, dormancy, poor soil quality, or grub damage. A chocolate-brown St. Augustine lawn that appears dead can also be a sign your grass is still in dormancy or is suffering from frost burn. To gear up get the grass to turn green fast, you have to address these causes.

Can you revive expressionless St. Augustine grass and bring it back?

How to revive st augustine grass and bring dead grass back to life

Y'all can revive grass that appears expressionless due to drought stress or frost burn, but you cannot bring back grass if it is completely dead due to grubworm impairment or lack of water. Yous can revive dormant grass within a few weeks of proper care and maintenance.

Only first, examine the grass to run across if it is dead or all the same live. Catch a handful of the brown grass and pull it up. If the grass comes out without whatsoever resistance, information technology is dead and cannot be revived. If it is still business firm, you tin bring it back to life.

Reasons St. Augustine Grass Appears Dead

Poor backyard care and maintenance can crusade a St. Augustine grass lawn to appear dead due to the extended brown patches. In some instances, browning does not mean the grass is dead.

Here are the reasons your St. Augustine grass is turning brown or dead:

Chow damage

More than 5-x grubs per square human foot in your lawn is a sign of grub infestation that will shortly manifest in expanding brown patches in your backyard. Grubworms feed on the roots of your St. Augustine grass lawn, causing it to die in patches because it cannot absorb h2o and nutrients anymore.

Grub damage in a St. Augustine lawn, or whatsoever other grass species turfgrass, shows every bit irregularly shaped chocolate-brown patches of dead grass that never greenish up despite all the watering.

The dark-brown patches of dead grass start to appear in late jump through summer to early autumn when Japanese beetles are in their larva phase. To prevent dead St. Augustine grass during this fourth dimension, apply grub control early in jump to kill the larvae before they become active and first to damage your lawn.

Frost damage

St. Augustine grass can spread and grow green and so turn chocolate-brown and appear burned during late winter and early jump due to frost damage. While the signs of frost damage vary betwixt grass species, St. Augustine grass turns brown quickly and can become patchy.

In most cases, yous'll exist able to revive St. Augustine grass, just if the damage is besides extensive and the grass is dead, you may need to plant a new sod to restore it. For other turfgrasses such as bermudagrass, overseeding in the fall ordinarily helps fill in and green up the lawn.

Frost damage can be worse if y'all mow your lawn too low in the fall. The lawn will end up with a lot of dead, disordered downwardly areas that you lot tin can even rake off to remove the dead grass.

Drought stress

Inadequate soil moisture in your St. Augustine lawn can atomic number 82 to signs of drought stress, which include brown dead grass, tiresome growth, and wilting. Signs of drought are common in summertime when temperatures ascension and in that location'south fiddling to no rain water.

If your St. Augustine goes for more six weeks without water, it will outset to turn brown and bear witness signs of death. If you first fixing the lawn early enough, you'll be able to go St. Augustine grass to abound back and revive with a skillful watering schedule – unremarkably 2-3 times a calendar week.


During winter, your lawn goes into dormancy and may appear to turns chocolate-brown or tan in colour until springtime. Typically, St. Augustine grass will go dormant when the soil temperatures start to fall beneath 55 degrees.

Too much desiccation during dry out winters is a common problem specially in h2o-sensitive varieties of turfgrass such as St. Augustine grass. However, you can bring dorsum the grass by watering the lawn during winter and so that when spring comes, the grass isn't dead.

Fertilizer burn down

Fertilizer fire ways that you practical excess fertilizer to your lawn. Putting downwards more than than 1 lb of nitrogen per 1000 square feet can cause signs such every bit withering, browning, and yellowing St. Augustine grass. If the fertilizer burn is too much, your grass will starting time to die.

Many lawn fertilizers contain soluble salts. These salts can burn root tissues and cause your lawn to turn brown or discolor if fertilizer is applied in excess. Here are the signs of fertilizer fire on your lawn:

  • Leaf scorch due to excess nitrogen and salts.
  • Leaf tips starting to turn brown.
  • Lower leaves of grass turning yellow.
  • A crust of fertilizer on the surface of soil in your lawn.

The expert news is that with early intervention, yous can revive dead St. Augustine grass and bring it back to life later on applying excessive fertilizer.

Poor soil quality

St. Augustine grass tolerates a few types of soil if there'south acceptable fertility, aeration, and moisture. However, poor soil quality can cause the grass to die and turn brown.

For instance, a backyard with a thin layer of topsoil and concrete, gravel, or rocks underneath could be the reason why St. Augustine grass is dying. Besides, heavily compacted clay soil prevents roots from growing deep for proper nutrient and h2o absorption, causing the grass to die slowly.

Poor soil quality tin can be fixed with soil amendment methods to become St. Augustine grass to abound back. You'll too need to ensure that the soil pH and nutrient levels are within the right range to be able to revive and bring dorsum St. Augustine grass to life.

Lawn diseases

St. Augustine backyard diseases such as fungus or brown patch disease can cause your lawn to appear dead with areas of brown patches. If you lot encounter regular rings of dead grass and rusty-looking growths in a St. Augustine lawn, followed past yellowing and browning, yous're probably dealing with brown patch disease.

Lawn diseases are prevalent during fall and spring because the weather condition is warm and humid, creating a expert surround for fungi to grow and spread in lawns. Accept-all root rot and grayness leafage spot can attack a St. Augustine lawn and make information technology appear dark-brown and brown with dead patches.

Y'all tin revive expressionless St. Augustine grass by treating lawn diseases on time past applying an anti-fungal treatment (with azoxystrobin every bit the active ingredient, such as Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide) that'll bring the dying grass back to life.

How to Revive St. Augustine Grass to Grow Dorsum

How to revive st augustine grass

To revive your lawn and arrive grow back, you demand to identify what's killing the grass and turning information technology brownish. A drought problem tin can easily be fixed by watering your lawn equally required but a pest and illness problem may take a different approach to fix.

Hither'southward how to revive St. Augustine grass and get information technology to abound back:

1. H2o the lawn adequately

Prolonged drought and dormancy tin make St. Augustine grass starting time to die off in small patches that turn dark-brown. Watering your lawn fairly can aid become it to grow back steadily.

Here are the watering requirements for St. Augustine lawns:

  • How much h2o: ¾ inch of water
  • Watering frequency: 2 times per week
  • Growing flavour: i-2 inches of water
  • Drought season: up to 6 inches of h2o

In one case St. Augustine grass starts to get out of dormancy, water adequately to assistance revive any brown patches of dying grass. During leap, water the lawn a piffling chip more frequently than when the grass was still in dormancy.

Pro tip: Watering grass that has been expressionless for 3 weeks tin bring information technology dorsum and turn it from dark-brown to green. Try watering to a depth of 6 inches to reach the roots and allow the grass to grow back and green upward. Yous might, yet, not be able to revive a lawn that'south been dead for more than 5 weeks.

two. Amend the soil in your thou

When a sparse layer of topsoil or highly compacted clay soil causes your grass to wilt, turn brownish, and dice, the all-time remedy is to meliorate the soil quality.

The best fix for poor soil quality is to ameliorate the soil to make it suitable for St. Augustine grass to grow good for you. The goal is to make sure the lawn is well aerated because St. Augustine grass likes a to grow in well-draining soils such as sandy soil.

Here's how to better the soil to revive a St. Augustine lawn:

  • Amend clay soil by adding gypsum, compost, or humic acid.
  • Core-aerate the lawn if the grass is drying from compaction.
  • Add enough fertile topsoil to provide a medium for roots to grow deep.

When alteration the soil in your yard to get the expressionless grass to abound back, do a soil test to see if the soil pH and nutrient levels are great for St. Augustine grass.

iii. Affluent out excess table salt from overfertilization

Fertilizer burn can brand your lawn expect like it is dying. The grass starts to turn yellowish and and so brownish equally if it is dead.

To revive and get St. Augustine grass to grow back from also much fertilizer, water with a generous amount of water to flush out the excess nitrogen salts that are burning the grass. Soak the areas that are turning brownish with water everyday for a week to go rid of the excess salt.

  • Water the lawn with at least one inch of water per twenty-four hours to reduce fertilizer burn.
  • Water the lawn evenly with a sprinkler to allow the grass to grow back uniformly.

Be careful not to overwater your backyard because it can lead to other problems such as fungal infections, yellowish or dark-green coloring, and poor growth.

4. Apply a grub killer

Too many grubs in your lawn feed on the grass roots leaving the grass to die and plough into dark-brown patches of dead grass. If the damage is not too much, you tin get the lawn to grow back by killing the offending grub worms.

Examine the lawn to check for grubs and then apply a skillful grub killer such every bit Scotts GrubEx, BioAdvanced Grub Killer Granules, or Milky Spore Grub Command. Any of these will impale the agile grubs and allow St. Augustine grass to revive and grow dorsum.

Pro tip: The best fourth dimension to apply a grub control pesticide is betwixt early spring and late summertime. This is when at that place'south increased grub impairment in the lawn.

5. Re-sod your lawn

The best way to revive St. Augustine grass that's been expressionless for over 5 weeks is to reseed. When winter ends and bound kicks in, prepare the yard and establish a new lawn using St. Augustine sods since there's no grass seed for this species.

Re-establishing your lawn can help restore a lawn to its green appearance especially if the grass died due to extreme drought or winter impale, also known as frost burn or frost damage.

If there are just a few spots of expressionless grass, you lot tin can will in with sods or sprigs and make the St. Augustine grass to spread and cover the bare spots.

six. Treat brown patch disease

Brownish patch affliction is a fungus that affects lawns when they remain moisture for prolonged periods. If not prevented and treated on time, your backyard volition develop brown patches of dead grass that might be hard to revive.

Equally shortly equally you run across signs of brownish patch disease in St. Augustine grass, start applying an Azoxystrobin fungicide such as Scotts DiseaseEx or Syngenta Heritage K that'll kill the fungus and revive your lawn.

Here's a slap-up video on how to treat dark-brown patch disease and get St. Augustine grass to grow dorsum greener.

Sources + References

  • Clemson University Cooperative Extension: St. Augustinegrass Yearly Maintenance Programme
  • Academy of Maryland Extension: Fertilizer Injury in Lawns
  • L. Eastward. Trenholm, J. B. Unruh, and T.W. Shaddox, Academy of Florida IFAS Extemsion: St. Augustinegrass for Florida Lawns


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